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Jon Brody

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5 growth marketing strategies to market to every demographic in the Metaverse
Process & Tactics

5 growth marketing strategies to market to every demographic in the Metaverse

The Metaverse can be a complicated and confusing thing to break into, but now is the time to do it. Not sure where to start? Deciding on how to market to each different demographic in the Metaverse is essential.

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Are Facebook Ads Still Worth It in 2022 and 2023?

Are Facebook Ads Still Worth It in 2022 and 2023?

Although Facebook isn’t what it once was, and probably never will be again, it still has an enormous number of users, many of whom are your potential customers.

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What is growth-driven design and how to use it for your website
Process & Tactics

What is growth-driven design and how to use it for your website

The Growth-Driven Design methodology is a data-driven approach that continuously focuses on the ever-changing wants and needs of your users in developing your website. It uses real user data to continually improve your website to help you achieve your company goals.

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3 Common Mistakes People Make In Growth Marketing (and how to fix them!)
Strategy & Mindset

3 Common Mistakes People Make In Growth Marketing (and how to fix them!)

Every company would love to roll out its growth marketing campaign and get instant results. If it were that easy, though, everyone would be doing it. The truth is that thinking you’re going to attain instant results is an unrealistic expectation. Regardless of how good your growth marketing strategy is, overnight growth is extremely unlikely to happen.

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How to Do Creative Testing on TikTok to Find Winning Ads in 2023

How to Do Creative Testing on TikTok to Find Winning Ads in 2023

TikTok is about being fun and entertaining, and your creative should reflect that. Your ads need to be exciting and engaging. Take advantage of TikTok’s creative tools to create winning campaigns and ad groups.

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The best SaaS B2B Marketing Tactics
Process & Tactics

The best SaaS B2B Marketing Tactics

As a growth marketing agency, we’ve run thousands of experiments for ourselves and for our clients – and we will continue to do so. Some of them worked, some didn’t, but we learned insights from them all.We turned those insights into our Growth Tactic Playbook – over 786 tactics that B2B SaaS can “steal” and plug right away on their own campaigns. Segmented between Traffic and Conversion, here are 6 B2B tactics for SaaS marketers we think you might find useful:

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6 Fintech Digital Marketing Trends You Should Be Aware Of
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6 Fintech Digital Marketing Trends You Should Be Aware Of

Fintech is exploding – the industry is valued at around $180 billion with over 30,000 fintech startups. We’re seeing that this high growth in startups and VC funding is driving a lot of marketers to specialize in fintech, which has made fintech marketing evolve as well. After working with many clients in the space, these are the six fintech digital marketing trends that you should keep an eye on:

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The Importance Of Zero Party Data In Digital Marketing
Process & Tactics

The Importance Of Zero Party Data In Digital Marketing

How are brands best leverage zero party data, how to collect and manage it, and how privacy changes are making it so necessary. But before we go into all that, let’s agree on what zero party data is and how it’s different from first and third party data.

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Modern Growth Teams: how to win in the short and long term
Strategy & Mindset

Modern Growth Teams: how to win in the short and long term

Marketing strategies can fall into two categories: long-term and short-term. Long-term marketing is where you build brand awareness over time to gain customer loyalty. Short-term marketing is where you focus on ads to quickly drive performance.

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The "Why" Behind Brand vs Performance Marketing

The "Why" Behind Brand vs Performance Marketing

Your goal should be to run your marketing organization with a test-driven framework that empowers long-term brand building *through* performance marketing itself.

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De-risking Decisions: Make more money from your big marketing bets
Process & Tactics

De-risking Decisions: Make more money from your big marketing bets

There comes a point in every growth journey where you have to make big bets and allocate large amounts of resources. The key issue then becomes doing so in a de-risked way. We created a super low-fi video for a pre-launch challenger startup. It incorporated elements that we had proven were resonating really well with the market, through really basic static design testing. Ultimately, the performance of this video beat out that of a $100,000 video.

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Marketing data isn't a panacea
Process & Tactics
Strategy & Mindset

Marketing data isn't a panacea

When we launch the test and we get the data back, we don’t look at it from a place of “OK, the data is X. What does this mean?” Instead, we’re able to evaluate the purpose of what we are looking at, and all the strategic associations we already know about it, and the first order principles behind it. 

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How amazing clients get the most from a creative agency
Strategy & Mindset
Process & Tactics

How amazing clients get the most from a creative agency

From the growth theory point of view, your biggest concern as a marketing leader should not be that a certain campaign might not work, but that you’re not being experimental and bold enough. That’s what should be keeping you up at night.

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The Ultimate System for Data-Driven Creative
Process & Tactics

The Ultimate System for Data-Driven Creative

The ACED framework can help you decide what’s truly worth keeping in your creative marketing audit. It’s more than just whether it’s performing. It’s how it’s performing. At Ladder, we’ve been using this framework for quite some time, and it’s been a huge asset to our company.

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The Poker Player's Guide to App Tracking Transparency

The Poker Player's Guide to App Tracking Transparency

We see huge opportunities within Q4 for businesses that successfully adapt now, who will be uniquely positioned to have an edge against other brands that evolve at slower rates. The key here is to get ahead of the crowd before everyone else figures it out.

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How To Learn From Your Mistakes In A Business
Strategy & Mindset

How To Learn From Your Mistakes In A Business

If you win a card game without really knowing what you did, what good is that? By the same token, if you lose, you won’t really know why until you look at how you played the game and whether you made good or bad choices along the way. 

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Marketing As A Game Of Chess
Strategy & Mindset

Marketing As A Game Of Chess

Just as chess is a game, so is marketing. But, it’s not a game that you go into without strategy. They both require risks, strategy, and practice to get right.

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The Importance of a Data-Driven Creative Engine
Strategy & Mindset

The Importance of a Data-Driven Creative Engine

A marketing team will always be stronger, more creative, and more efficient working collectively than they would alone. Understanding the power of the group and making sure that team members are working together is key to developing a system that will produce better strategies and maximize the best outcomes. Ladder has achieved this goal by creating and executing a system called the data-driven creative engine.

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Facebook B2B Paid Social Trends Report

Facebook B2B Paid Social Trends Report

How do you know if your Facebook ads are performing better than average or below average? Take a look at our growth benchmarks so you can find out for yourself.

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How To Repurpose Content And Research For Better Marketing
Strategy & Mindset

How To Repurpose Content And Research For Better Marketing

Your company spends a lot of time researching at the top of the funnel when creating ads. But, did you know you can repurpose content and research to save your marketing team time? Find out how!

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The Importance Of Target Audience Testing In Marketing With ATT

The Importance Of Target Audience Testing In Marketing With ATT

Have you let Facebook do your target audience testing for you? With app tracking transparency, it’s imperative you learn how to use audience testing to your advantage.

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What is App Tracking Transparency And How Is It Affecting Your Facebook Ads

What is App Tracking Transparency And How Is It Affecting Your Facebook Ads

What does the new App Tracking Transparency mean for your company and your marketing campaigns? Find out everything you need to know about ATT and how it affects you.

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How To Run Successful Advertising On TikTok, Quora, And Snapchat

How To Run Successful Advertising On TikTok, Quora, And Snapchat

Need new ways to market your business? Advertising on TikTok, Quora, and Snapchat may just be the future. Here’s how to create successful creative marketing campaigns.

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How Ladder Went from Being a Tech Company to a Successful Growth Agency
Strategy & Mindset
Process & Tactics

How Ladder Went from Being a Tech Company to a Successful Growth Agency

How did Ladder become one of the best marketing growth agencies? Find out how with the Ladder origin story, how we went from a tech company to a growth agency.

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Adaptive Growth: What is it and how to use it to scale data-driven creative
Strategy & Mindset
Process & Tactics

Adaptive Growth: What is it and how to use it to scale data-driven creative

Using your creative in your marketing strategy is the easiest way to grow. But, how do you actually do that? With adaptive growth. Adaptive growth helps you scale data-driven creative.

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3 Ways to Optimize Your Budget With Test-Driven Marketing
Process & Tactics

3 Ways to Optimize Your Budget With Test-Driven Marketing

A phenomenon is occurring across the marketing landscape, best described in a four-letter word: FOMO. This “fear of missing out” has sent many a marketer t…

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How to Build Your Customer Base With Nothing but a Concept

How to Build Your Customer Base With Nothing but a Concept

I know what you’re thinking: Building a customer base without pitch decks, an office, collateral, a website, etc. is impossible. But impossible isn’t a wor…

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4 Lessons for Entrepreneurial Success From Professional Poker

4 Lessons for Entrepreneurial Success From Professional Poker

Founders need more than just a little persistence. Their primary role involves resolving issues and putting out fires right and left, taking a breather, an…

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What I Learned Rebuilding My Company’s Lead Qualification System
Process & Tactics

What I Learned Rebuilding My Company’s Lead Qualification System

Are you chasing the golden goose, or are you on a wild goose chase? When you’re first starting out and trying to scale your company, it’s hard to know for …

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Jon Brody Talks About Ladder’s Growth Marketing Playbook on The Scott King Podcast
Process & Tactics

Jon Brody Talks About Ladder’s Growth Marketing Playbook on The Scott King Podcast

Author’s Note: This podcast andthe transcript were originally published by The Scott King Podcast on TheScottKing.com. Listen to the full episode belo...

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What to Know About Demandbase As A Growth Tool
Process & Tactics

What to Know About Demandbase As A Growth Tool

Demandbase is a software tool that offers comprehensive account-based marketing solutions to business to business companies. It allows for an increase...

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Achieving Business Growth with Strategy and Performance. Business Growth = Strategy + Performance
Strategy & Mindset

Achieving Business Growth with Strategy and Performance. Business Growth = Strategy + Performance

Do you want to stop wasting your money on aimless marketing campaigns that deliver uninspiring results? Marketers from a Rakuten Marketing study said ...

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Simple Strategies To Analyze The Strength Of Your Marketing Funnel ROI

Simple Strategies To Analyze The Strength Of Your Marketing Funnel ROI

In marketing, as in poker, the key is knowing when to hold ’em and when to fold ’em. Gambling on hunches when deciding which tactics and channels will...

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Why You Should Treat Your Marketing Budget Like a Poker Bankroll
Strategy & Mindset

Why You Should Treat Your Marketing Budget Like a Poker Bankroll

Just as the richest players in poker can still lose it all, even brands with the biggest marketing budgets can still lose millions on a bad play. Peps...

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Performance and testing split – how to do it right?
Process & Tactics

Performance and testing split – how to do it right?

There will always be a need for growth. The size and market value of your business don’t matter here, as there always will be a place to improve somet...

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Growth Marketing Success 300% Higher Than Average – Here’s How
Process & Tactics

Growth Marketing Success 300% Higher Than Average – Here’s How

43% of all the growth marketing tests we’ve ran at Ladder have succeeded. The market average for successful tests hovers between 10-15%. Even the expe...

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Ahrefs Vs SEMrush: Which SEO Tool Is Best For Your Business?

Ahrefs Vs SEMrush: Which SEO Tool Is Best For Your Business?

Ahrefs vs SEMrush. That’s not a sentence I thought I’d ever type a few years back. Traditionally, Ahrefs was all about the links, and when SEMrush fir...

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Growth Marketing Mythbusters: Stop Making These 3 Mistakes
Process & Tactics

Growth Marketing Mythbusters: Stop Making These 3 Mistakes

As software continues to eat the world and the amount of free content available continues to explode, you have more tools and resources than ever to h...

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4 Recruiting Strategies to Find Top Marketing Talent for Small Agencies
Process & Tactics

4 Recruiting Strategies to Find Top Marketing Talent for Small Agencies

Attracting top talent is hard. For small and boutique agencies, it’s even harder. What constitutes high-quality growth-marketing talent? There ar...

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How We Booked 200% More Sales Meetings in Just 1 Month
Process & Tactics

How We Booked 200% More Sales Meetings in Just 1 Month

Data-driven marketing is science applied to growing companies, and sales professionals who have discovered its value are performing incredible experim...

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Mastering creative testing in social media

Mastering creative testing in social media

Even with the boom of social media, where testing has become increasingly frictionless, creative testing has actually become more complex. The main is...

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Are You a Traditional Marketer or a Scientific Marketer?
Strategy & Mindset
Process & Tactics

Are You a Traditional Marketer or a Scientific Marketer?

Ever wonder why the failure rate of most inbound marketing experiments hovers around 97 percent? It’s because marketers rely on growth spikes from one...

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How To Speak To Creatives – 7 steps to working with creatives

How To Speak To Creatives – 7 steps to working with creatives

Every business has creatives. These gifted team members are extremely valuable to your end goals as a company. Like every member of a team, creatives ...

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Becoming the Antithesis of Apple’s Marketing Strategy Scaled Ladder
Strategy & Mindset

Becoming the Antithesis of Apple’s Marketing Strategy Scaled Ladder

Everybody loves trend buckers. It’s human nature to laud those we feel are visionaries. It can also be foolish. Take this oft-repeated Steve Jobs stat...

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The Grandmaster’s Guide to Data-Driven Creative Testing
Process & Tactics

The Grandmaster’s Guide to Data-Driven Creative Testing

If you’re spending money on ads, you can’t afford to waste money on creative that’s missing the mark: not delivering learnings or profits. When used c...

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Developing a Product Around an Unknown Concept
Strategy & Mindset

Developing a Product Around an Unknown Concept

Imagine trying to explain the value of the transistor radio to the general population back in 1954. How could manufacturers convince consumers that th...

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How to structure your Facebook ad account for creative testing
Process & Tactics

How to structure your Facebook ad account for creative testing

In the previous blog post, we learned about some of the problems and some best practices related to creative testing in social media. In this post, we...

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Creative Testing in Paid Search: Actionable Tips and Tricks
Process & Tactics

Creative Testing in Paid Search: Actionable Tips and Tricks

It’s clear that responsive ads are here to stay and optimizing their performance is an ongoing process of planning, testing, and iterating Below are b...

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Building the Perfect Growth Team
Strategy & Mindset

Building the Perfect Growth Team

Traditional business models are pretty straightforward. Each department is segmented and labeled based on their role within the organization. Product ...

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Growth Strategies 2019: Choosing the Right Path for Your Business
Strategy & Mindset

Growth Strategies 2019: Choosing the Right Path for Your Business

Whether you’ve just launched your small business, are piloting a new startup, or your company has been active for years, you probably spend a lot...

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Leverage Your Brand’s Poker Face Into a Competitive Edge
Strategy & Mindset

Leverage Your Brand’s Poker Face Into a Competitive Edge

While many people get their business experience around a conference table, I learned a few key lessons at the poker table that no class or meeting cou...

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