What I Learned Rebuilding My Company’s Lead Qualification System
Business Ideas
Lead Conversions
Lead Generation

What I Learned Rebuilding My Company’s Lead Qualification System

Jon BrodyJon Brody

July 15, 2021

Editor’s Note: Jon’s guest post was originally published on the Marketo Blog. Click here to read the full article. 

Are you chasing the golden goose, or are you on a wild goose chase? When you’re first starting out and trying to scale your company, it’s hard to know for sure.

When we were still a small, scrappy team, we took a piecemeal approach to developing our sales process and didn’t involve anyone who actually worked exclusively in sales. It worked for a while, but after my company doubled in size and we had made deep investments in our marketing efforts, we realized we needed to revamp our sales process.

What I Learned Rebuilding My Company’s Lead Qualification System

The first thing we tackled was the initial messaging we sent out to leads when they converted on our homepage. At the time, leads would encounter delays, going cold before sales had a chance to act on them. The sales team spent so much time on intro calls, we couldn’t move our best leads down the pipeline once we discovered who they were.

In this guest blog post, I’ll cover how we scrapped our old, slapdash rigmarole and created a new, scalable workflow based on our real-life experiences, as well as how we immediately improved our sales process.

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